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Dr. Anthony G. James Jr.
About Me
Dr. Anthony G. James Jr. is a professor in the Department of Family Science and Social Work at Miami University. He earned a bachelor of science degree in sociology with a minor in military science from Lincoln University (Missouri). He also holds a master of science degree and a doctorate of philosophy in human development and family studies from the University of Missouri.
His areas of research include positive youth development, religion and spirituality, diverse family systems, family processes, and program evaluation. His research and thought leadership has appeared in publications such as Diverse Issue in Higher Education and TIME and numerous peer reviewed journals. He is also the editor of Black Families: A Systems Approach, co-editor of Essays of Advice, and the author of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: A Practical Guide.
His leadership experiences include Interim Vice President of Institutional Diversity (Miami University), section chair for a major professional organization (NCFR), commander of a multi-role bridge company in the U.S. Army, board member for several organizations, and is the Editor-in-Chief of Marriage & Family Review (MFR).

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