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Anzhuo (Angel) Wu is a Ph.D. student at the University of Missouri majoring in Human Development and Family Science. Angel has great interests in the athletic population, including but not limited to physical activity, well-being, motivation, and positive youth development. Angel is especially interested in how and what environmental factors, cultural values, and coaching and teaching behaviors influence adolescents and young adults at the developmental level and their identity and sports career transition. She currently serves as a research assistant to Dr. Anthony James on the State of Families project

Katie Gabbard is a senior at Miami University majoring in Psychology with a minor in Child Studies and Youth Development, in addition to a minor in Social Justice and Inequalities. She is also beginning the process of conducting individual research with the guidance of Miami University faculty. She currently serves as a research assistant to Dr. Anthony James on the State of Families project.

Kayla Griffin is a senior at Miami University majoring in psychology with a minor in Child Studies & Youth Development. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue licensure in clinical youth social work. Her current research interests primarily include youth behavioral health and family services. She serves as a research assistant to Dr. Anthony James on the State of Families project.

Anthony G. James, Jr. holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in human development and family studies from the University of Missouri and a B.S. in Sociology (with a minor in Military Science) from Lincoln University (MO). He is an associate professor in the Department of Family Science & Social Work at Miami University. He is the editor-in-chief of Marriage and Family Review. Dr. James’s research and thought leadership has appeared in Diverse Issue in Higher Education, TIME, and the Thrive Center for Human Development blog. He is the editor of Black Families: A Systems Approach, co-editor of Essays of Advice, and author of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: A Practical Guide.

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